The Brief

ASSIST is a ‘peer-led’, school-based smoking prevention intervention, developed in the UK. ASSIST works by recruiting 13-14 year-olds who are influential among their school year group to become ‘Peer Supporters’. We worked with Assist to create website to support the peer supporters, aimed at adolescents it needed to be very visual with shareable content, interactive features and translatable into Filipino and Indonesian.


The Solution

Usage studies show that students within this age range mostly access websites from their phones so we designed this site mobile first. It is fully content managed so that all parts of the site can be updated and translated. There is a login area that only peer supporters can view with extra guidance on how to help spread messages within their friendship groups. Lisa created a suite of shareable graphics that the peer supporters could use to share to social media channels along with content snippets written by the Assist team. We added a left hand navigation on desktop to make it easy to navigate between topics and we also added links at the bottom of each topic to make it easy to move onto the next one when on a mobile or tablet device.

View the Assist Global Website 

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